Friday, July 10, 2009

How Nice it is to be in Nice... Nice, France that is.

Bon Jour! I finally made it to Nice, and wow talk about a long flight. Being that I was the last one to make it to the flight, and my luggage was over the limit and oh yea.. I got to sit in the middle of both my 9 and 3 hour flights with two people that love the arm rests.....but other than those small bumps, life is great.This hotel on the left is our home for the next week. It's a really nice hotel, more than I expected from the trip! Nice is absolutely wonderful, It's beautiful the beach is amazing, it's pebbles instead of sand and the water is pretty cold but it's crystal blue and gorgeous. (boo on me we went today and I forgot my camera.) Pictures soon!We have pretty much been traveling all day and it's 9:30 at night here so we're all exhausted, over 24 hours without sleep! We went and ate at this little italian place...not too shabby, expensive, but pretty good.Tomorrow we're waking up early to get breakfast and then head out to tour all day. Hopefully we'll make it back in time for us to hit the beach a little. My roommate is named Jen and she's a doll. She's really sweet and got here a little later then the rest of us with her group so she really didn't have much time to explore, so I invited her to dinner with the group. I got really lucky in getting placed with someone that's really nice and relaxed. This is such a great group of people I'm really excited to see what's in store for us over the next couple of weeks. We have so much to conquer! I hope life is great back in the U.S. I'll try and write again tomorrow with some exciting updates of whatever we end up doing tomorrow.


  1. Yea, Jess!! You are there safe and sound. Anxious to hear all about your it plays out. Have fun and know that you are loved and missed back in the good ol US. Love, Aunt Debbie

  2. Hi Honey,

    Glad to know that you are alive and adjusting well. Don't forget to study during your "study abroad" program!!

    All my love and Pookie's too,,

  3. Sounds wonderful ! I so enjoy your descriptions, Jess. Can't wait to hear about your ADVENTUROUS dinner! XOXO
