Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harrods Wins.

I failed. I confess I failed miserably. I made the mistake of going back to Harrods to "check" on my shoes. So I did what my mom would had done and just bought the durn things. Jessi's London souvenir....CHECK. I'm in love with them and can't wait to get to the states where we don't WALK everywhere so that I can wear them. Today was a lovely day in bed pretty much. A much needed day in famous quote "I love bed, It's my favorite place in the world." Isn't strange that if we're out of town or anything the first thing we want to do is go lay down in our own familiar bed, sheets,pillow and just breathe it in? Yet we're so amped about "leaving and getting away."hmmmm....weird. I slept in today and then did some homework for my class at 5. I walked down to the market, in cold windy weather to get some snacks. (sidenote, the market is the way to go) I got apples, bananas, raspberries, muffins, and a little lunch pasta thing, and a bag of pretzels all for about 11 pounds. Thats almost as much as we'd pay for one meal. We had class which was really interesting, discussion based which fits me like I glove. We are waking up early and going on a "field trip" to parliment tomorrow that ought to be really interesting and then we have class at 2. So its a fun filled day of school and field trip stuff. Hopefully tomorrow evening we can go to a show or a movie or is no bueno. Today's posting is a little bit short because I lack any exciting news for today!

Tomorrow hopefully will be more interesting.



  1. omg girl you are too cute! love the stories! this blog is such a good idea! keep me updated! when i go to europe i want to do tons of traveling! so save some good tips for me! :) -cyn

  2. I miss you Jess!! I am hopefully coming to Texas next summer so you better be at your dads house! (: Love you- andrea
