Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So I want a job at Lloyds..alright who has connections?

Once again I'm slacking. These last few days have been pretty busy! I've been having such a terrific time here in London. The weather's been a bit rainy and cold but I'm not complaining, I'll take it over the Texas heat anytime.
We've had a few group trips lately, the first to Stonehenge. Very neat.
I'm going to be honest, upon arrival a small sense of disappointment sets in, it really is a pile of rocks. I don't know I suppose I created this magnificent dream of huge over powering rocks in this incredibly ornate setting.... But even still it was really interesting, and the ice cream wasn't so bad either!
We loaded the train, I LOVE THESE FAST TRAINS by the way and headed to Salisbury (yes, if you're wondering that's where salisbury steak originated).We were then picked up by a bus and driven to the Stonehenge site. Which interesting enough is not some huge tourist attraction with shops and food stalls everywhere. It's dirt parking, a little ticket booth, a store and a small little section for food. (Reading the pamphlet..super tourist I know..don't judge, they are planning to have a whole new facility build by 2011 I believe) We were distributed the little handheld audio guides and off we went. Trivia: They don't know why Stonehenge is actually built, it does coordinate as a calendar, and there are lovely little graves scattering the countryside. The rest I'm not quite sure about it was really neat to see!
I went on the Jack the Ripper tour lastnight! It was really intense....whew. I figured out who it was though, so you can all rest. Our tour guide was really well spoken and led us around London for a good hour and a half retracing Jack the Ripper's steps, and the places where the women were found. It makes your mind start running, a good ol fashioned mystery...nancy drew anyone?
Today we took a class trip to Lloyd's Of London....I could definitely see myself working there or at least doing their 18 month graduate program (yes I've already looked up applying, you have to be first in line, right mom?). This place is very neat. Everyone that was working there looked about 24-30, incredibly trendy and looked as if they were doing something important. Even if they weren't doing anything at least they looked the part. Lloyds is a very interesting company!

I'm so excited we leave for Paris tomorrow! Don't worry I'll be taking TONS of pictures of the Eiffel tower and everything. I'll bring my computer and I promise to be better at updating.

I miss all of you!!


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