Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blind Date Parte Dos

     Alright everyone, I have to admit this guy was actually... really great? We went to dinner, had a few drinks then he took me to a really neat place called the Dessert Gallery or something like that and we had an oreo dessert cake thing that was absolutely delicious. We then ended the night at Owl Bar with a drink and a round of trivia (we lost, but I impressed him with my one correct answer)... yep just one. If I say so myself, that was actually a really great date. When was the last time you went on a date that was actually really enjoyable? Shoot I can't really think of very many off the top of my head... or any?(Yikes)

     Right before he got there of course mom told me a horror story of one blind date that she went on...thanks mom. Supposedly one of her "friends" did the whole "i know the perfect guy for you" scenario... please refer to yesterday's post, sounds familiar huh? Granted my mom is 5'9 and yea I'm a runt I don't want to talk about it, she said she got there and the guy was literally MAYBE 5'5. Now I have nothing against smaller people (shoot I'm one), but when you can't even look the guy in the eyes without squatting, I'm not sure he's for you... just a thought.

    Anyways Mr. Blind Date was a gentleman, opened my doors and I think (of course I would notice this) he even got his car washed and detailed before our date.... now that's a freakin' keeper. Alright ladies I'm taking bids on this guy. He's got a great job, gets his ass up everyday and works, speaks spanish fluently (I've heard that's the language of love.. or something like that), and he at LEAST planned the date. Most guys get as far as dinner, then they're lost.

Side note: I'm at jury duty and the girl sitting beside me just put gum and her mouth and threw the trash on the floor.... I honestly want to pick it up and make her eat it. Your mother doesn't work here. (sorry small little rant time) 

    Back to the was a great experience, makes me realize what I've been missing for a while... a long while. All in all I'm really glad I went, if anything I met a really great friend and who can't use another friend?

So the real question is who's next?

P.S this place is ideal for people watching...amazing.

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